Where is My Favorite Beer?

While we are all slowly getting back to normal, unfortunately the supply chain is still suffering from the pandemic and subsequent shutdown. Economy experts are predicting this will continue into 2022 and maybe beyond. BOOOO!!!
Hunting products that would normally be plentiful are available one day and impossible to find the next. That said, keep an open mind when crafting your signature cocktails, selecting your fiancé’s favorite brew, or finding that one bottle of wine you shared on your first date-this just may not be possible this year. Have a plan B and maybe even a plan C for products. Sadly this applies to almost everything consumer related-even your favorite shampoo or spaghetti sauce.
Also, before spending a lot of time and money on beautiful bar signs and menus, make 100% sure your selections will be available. And even then maybe hold off until the last minute.
Last, this is no one person’s fault that you don’t have a specific item to complete your cocktail. We are all suffering the fallout from the mess last year. If your cocktail recipe calls for Cointreau and your local spirits store is out, it’s not the end of the world. There are about 15 other products that will sub beautifully and no one will know the difference. I can definitely help you pivot and perhaps, find something you love even better.
At the end of the day, your guests will never know what they DIDN’T get. There are far too many options to leave a complete hole in your beverage selections. And far too many (sometimes better) substitutions. I can help. 😘Contact me through my website www.beveragebff.com or email me directly to schedule a consultation. emily@beveragebff.com #drinkcalculator #beveragebff


How many bartenders do I really need?


Think you can’t afford liquor for your party?